
EU Global Action on Space: Promoting the Benefits of the EU Space Programme Globally

The EU Global Action on Space is an initiative of the European Commission, aimed at promoting the benefits of the EU Space Programme worldwide, fostering international cooperation, and showcasing the capabilities of Copernicus, EGNOS, and Galileo services. It served as a platform for EU and non-EU entities to establish commercial and political partnerships, leveraging space-based data and services for various applications.

Over the past three years, MCI/logos has provided integrated communications, organised events and webinars, and supported the EU diplomatic efforts to promote the EU Space Programme around the world, establishing cooperations with high-level representatives from the public and private sectors and supporting the European Commission efforts to enlarge the number of users of European space-based data.

key offerings

Insights and Training: Participants gained valuable insights into the EU Space Programme, as well as information on how to access and use space data.

Market Intelligence: The initiative provided access to regional reports of the space market, covering all the regions. The analysis supported strategic policy-making and business analysis.

Support for Partnerships: It offered comprehensive support to facilitate commercial agreements and partnerships between EU and non-EU companies.


The initiative has successfully promoted the EU Space Programme on a global scale through in-person events in Latin America, Africa, the European Neighborhood, and the Gulf and Pacific regions. High-level study visits were organised for non-European partners to visit European institutions, such as the European Commission, EUSPA and ESA, as well as private companies’ headquarters.

Finally, it supported 75 partnership agreements between EU and non-European companies.

Overall, the EU Global Action on Space has facilitated discussions on leveraging space technology for different sectors, including agriculture, water monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, mobility, forestry management, environmental protection and climate change.


The initiative faced challenges in fostering space collaboration with interested non-European countries in accordance with EU diplomatic guidelines. The changing political landscapes required quick reaction and flexibility in adapting the initiative’s outreach activities. One major challenge was identifying and understanding the needs and priorities of targeted regions, including Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the EU Eastern Neighbourhood, and the Gulf. Additionally, it was crucial to identify appropriate interlocutors outside the EU with a clear understanding of the chain of command and decision-making processes of various non-EU institutions.


Strategic support for decision-making

To address these challenges, the initiative established clear communication channels with European Commission and EEAS officers, ensuring regular coordination meetings. This facilitated collaboration and alignment on objectives. Moreover, the initiative assisted the European Commission in defining its strategy for non-EU markets, adapting communication tools, and framing key messages in a non-European context to suit relevant audiences.

Worldwide network of experts

A network of local experts was developed to provide strategic intelligence on local markets, ensuring that the initiative was well-informed about regional dynamics and opportunities. Furthermore, the initiative coordinated high-level meetings and technical visits to the European Commission, EUSPA, ESTEC, company labs and facilities, business accelerators, and B2B events for EU companies pitching their solutions.

Trustworthy relationships with partners around the world

Thanks to regular meetings and in-person activities, the initiative established solid and trustworthy relationships with local partners. This comprehensive approach ensured that the initiative was well-positioned to foster meaningful partnerships and drive the adoption of EU space technologies globally.


Visibility: It successfully positioned EU Space Programme solutions outside the EU, enhancing its global presence and recognition.

Engagement: The initiative opened new opportunities for engagement and collaboration with targeted entities and policymakers, fostering stronger international partnerships.

Credibility: It enabled the use and commercialisation of EU space-based products, establishing their reliability and value in various markets.


We are honoured to have been part of this project, contributing to the promotion of the EU Space Programme on a global scale and facilitating meaningful partnerships.

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