“Education is the foundation for everything else”, emphasised Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, during the High-Level Event on Education in Emergencies on Tuesday 14 May. He was joined by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege, RTL-TVI journalist Sandrine Corman and the Belgian singers Axelle Red and Typh Barrow together with 400 high-school students and teachers.
Organised by logos and MCI Benelux, the event highlighted the EU’s record humanitarian funding for Education in Emergencies projects: 164 million euros will be invested in 2019.
Moreover, it marked the kick-off for an awareness raising social media campaign #RaiseYourPencil. To show their support for education in emergencies, youngsters across the world are invited to take an original picture with a pencil and upload it on their social media accounts using the hashtag and challenging some friends to do the same.
logos is proud to have participated in such an important cause and invites everybody to join the movement, and #RaiseYourPencil!