
Batteries for a sustainable and competitive Europe: creating a memorable policy event

At the end of 2023, as Europe ramped up for elections, RECHARGE —the leading association representing advanced rechargeable and lithium batteries— sought to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a high-level policy conference: ‘A Thriving European Batteries Ecosystem: Learning from the Past, Building a Sustainable and Competitive Future.’

The event aimed to position RECHARGE as a preeminent voice for the industry, offering timely insights and recommendations as the EU grappled with landmark legislation like the EU Batteries Regulation, the Critical Raw Materials Act, and the Net Zero Industry Act. By convening this conference, RECHARGE set out to anticipate the challenges and opportunities presented by the new regulatory landscape and proactively shape the future of European batteries.


As a long-standing partner of RECHARGE, we were thrilled to support them in this mission. The conference faced a significant challenge: batteries are relevant to many critical European discussions, from mobility to energy security, circular economy and competitiveness. To succeed, the event needed to attract a highly influential yet very diverse audience to engage in a dialogue with RECHARGE members.

Our team’s challenge was to craft a well-rounded experience, based on a cohesive narrative, that would appeal to all stakeholders in the room.


To address this challenge, our experts in public affairs, communications and event management implemented a comprehensive approach that considered all elements for a truly rounded event:

  • Logistics: We selected a modern venue in the heart of the EU quarter embodying the innovative character of the industry. To minimise our environmental impact, we partnered with local vendors offering organic, locally sourced products, and provided attendees with public transport recommendations.
  • Visual Identity: A dedicated visual identity ensured consistency across all conference elements, including brochures, screensavers, banners and social media cards. The elements were everywhere throughout the conference and run-up campaign, creating a total brand experience.
  • Interactive Elements: QR codes were displayed throughout the venue and gave attendees direct access to the programme, speaker bios, RECHARGE’s manifesto, and more. Slido served as a two-way communication channel with online attendees.
  • Digital Communication: A targeted digital campaign – heavily reliant on e-mail marketing – was launched to generate pre-event buzz, maintain registrant engagement, and create a lasting impact with a video recap that also served as a visual manifesto.
  • Programme: A highly-curated agenda featured a variety of formats, including a keynote address by the European Commissioner for the Environment, panel discussions, presentations from industry representatives and EU institutions, and a fireside chat. The agenda covered a wide range of topics, from the power of legislative predictability and coherence to a new approach to competitiveness based on sustainability. Attendees heard from experts across the entire battery value chain, from mining and refining to production, use, and recycling


The conference was a resounding success, with:

  •  82% onsite registrants show-up rate
  • 89 online attendees following the live stream
  • 402 post-conference views, as made permanently available on YouTube.
  • 1 experience summary video (visual manifesto)
  • High-level attendees and speakers, including Commissioner Sinkevičius, Director General of DG GROW Kerstin Jorna, C-level and top executives from member companies, presentations from the European Battery Alliance and the European Court of Auditors, and representatives from the EU Commission and national ministries.

The event went beyond just an anniversary celebration, serving as a pivotal moment for policymakers and industry leaders to reflect on the past and chart a course for a sustainable and competitive future. By combining effective logistics, unique visual and interactive elements, and a strategic communications campaign in support of a well-crafted agenda, we delivered a memorable experience that provided a valuable platform for timely discussions and showcased the critical role of batteries in addressing global challenges.

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