logos case study on governance models and association management


establishing stronger governance models for a European trade association

The European Trade Promotion Organisations Association (ETPOA) was set up in 2018 in order to promote the interests of European trade promotion organisations (TPOs) in dialogue and collaboration with European institutions and other competent authorities.


As the activities of ETPOA were rapidly expanding as well as the interest of the EU institutions for this new representative organisation, a mismatch between ambitions and resources started to block/stifle the smooth deployment of ETPOA activities. It was starting to jeopardise the performance of the organisation and ETPOA leaders saw the need to establish a stronger organisation in terms of governance and resources.


logos proposed a three-step approach.

At first, logos gathered insights through desk research, carried out interviews with representatives from ETPOA and selected EU policymakers to gauge the organisation’s communication and PA challenges.

Secondly, following the completion of the desk research, logos prepared a report including a mapping of relevant stakeholders and issues for ETPOA, supported by some initial recommendations on the possible governance and funding scenarios for the sustainable future of ETPOA.

Thirdly, logos facilitated a discussion with the board and the GA of the association to review the pros and cons of the different governance and funding models of the association, with a view to obtaining consensus on one of them, and presented the key results to the CEOs of TPOs.


In a project that lasted less than 5 months, we have been able to support the ETPOA President in presenting and convincing key TPOs leaders to select a more ambitious financial structure for the association, allowing it to achieve its long-term goals, and to implement this structure as from the start of 2022.

Our mission also aimed to unveil new strategic ideas to advance the advocacy goals of ETPOA, notably a better engagement with Member States Ministers of Foreign Affairs who have a special interest in trade promotion of their national SMEs outside the European Union.


association finance & governance models, Internal association change management

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