
Driving media exposure: a successful press tour at the Mobile World Congress

The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global industry association of over 110 companies from the automotive, technology, and telecommunications sectors working to accelerate the development and deployment of connected vehicle solutions. 

Over the past seven years, logos has provided integrated communications, association management, and public affairs services to 5GAA, consistently helping the association raise awareness, build relationships with key stakeholders, and advocate for policies promoting the wide adoption of cellular vehicle-to-everything technology (C-V2X). 


Large-scale trade shows offer great opportunities for brand visibility and media exposure. At logos, one of our primary tools for earning media attention has normally been press tours. 

However, due to the magnitude of such events, it is not so easy to cut through the noise and ensure that the innovative work of 5GAA members in connected mobility technology receives the coverage it deserves. GSMA’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona, a tier-1 event for the mobile industry attracting thousands of participants, is a prime example. With a whirlwind of competing announcements, endless product launches, and overlapping events, it is daunting to capture journalists’ attention and secure their participation.  


Building on its experience organising press tours for 5GAA, logos implemented its most-attended press tour yet at MWC Barcelona 2024. 

What were the key elements behind this year’s success? 

  • Strategic invitations: A cornerstone of the strategy was a targeted approach. We mapped and contacted journalists covering technology, telecommunications, and automotive for major global and trade media, focusing on Spain-based outlets. Our main takeaway? Maintaining an up-to-date, well-structured media database during the year really pays off. 
  • Engagement: Regular communication with participants, both members and press, was key. We stayed in contact before the event through emails and calls, ensuring they had all the information and support needed for the tour. This helped us secure the maximum journalist show-up rate. 
  • Clear communication: A comprehensive media kit provided key background information on 5GAA, its members, and showcased technologies. We established touch-base meetings with marketing representatives from participating companies and shared a detailed deck with clear guidance on preparing for the tour. 
  • Expert insights: We fully briefed 5GAA’s Chief Technology Officer, whoserved as the tour guide: offering valuable insights, moderating Q&As, and encouraging discussions. He also lent his expertise in follow-up interviews with interested journalists, which allowed them to get a deeper look into specific areas of C-V2X technology… and secured more coverage for 5GAA. 
  • Strong narrative: Having eight companies from different sectors – chipmakers, testing and certification providers, mobile network operators – present their latest products and services is risky as it can make the tour feel more like a patchwork of different exhibitions than an articulated whole. We paid special attention to telling a story that would give meaning to the event and underscore 5GAA’s role as the ‘common thread’. 

The press tour resulted in a positive experience for all participants, achieving the following: 

  • High attendance rate: We welcomed 20 journalists and market analysts from across the globe, from small digital publications to renowned international outlets. 
  • Increased exposure: The press tour generated media coverage, leading to 6 pieces about 5GAA in various digital publications. 
  • Social media engagement: Through real-time updates and videos, we extended the tour’s impact beyond in-person attendees to our LinkedIn community – reaching over 2.4K engagements and 23.8K impressions. 

media relations, communication, industry events, reporting, outreach programme

Interested in learning more about logos’ media relations services or applying our tips to your own press tour? Contact brussels@logos-pa.com for more information and let’s start working together! 

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