logos supports Copernicus increasing awareness of the Copernicus programme around the world


increasing awareness of the Copernicus programme

Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth Observation programme and one of the three flagship components of the European Space Programme. It provides data on the state of our planet and its environment. Through six thematic services, eight dedicated Sentinel satellites and a vast amount of in-situ (non-space) data, it is the world’s largest provider of Earth Observation data.

These data, which are mainly free and open access, can support public authorities respond to current and future challenges, foster innovation and growth in the private sector, and power added-value solutions and applications for the benefit of all citizens.


The Copernicus programme has a relatively complex structure, involving the coordination of many stakeholders from around Europe. The European Commission established the “Copernicus Support Office” to help implement the Copernicus programme.

The Copernicus Support Office entails many tasks revolving around raising awareness and promoting the Copernicus programme, building and expanding the Copernicus community, and supporting users and any person wanting to know more about the Copernicus programme and its data.

From July 2019 to August 2021, MCI’s public affairs and communication business unit, logos, in partnership with ALPHA Consult and AZO, managed the Copernicus Support Office and the related tasks, under a specific contract with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS). Combining communication, public affairs, events, community building and technical expertise, the consortium delivered significant results, improving awareness and understanding of the Copernicus programme throughout the EU and beyond.


Consortium building and management

logos built and led the consortium with Alpha Consult and AZO. We employed our in-house management and administrative expertise to build a team which delivered efficient and effective services to the European Commission. Moreover, the logos team provided overall coordination between the European Commission and the consortium members and organised regular strategic meetings and reports to ensure the work carried out by the consortium was constantly in line with the European Commission’s expectations and needs.

Strategic communications

logos’ communication team developed a social media strategy with short and long-term objectives. Throughout the two years, the team managed the Copernicus social media channels (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), producing impactful messages and visual assets. To boost the reach and awareness of the Copernicus programme, logos engaged with a wide range of relevant stakeholders and ensured smooth cooperation with other relevant accounts.

Media monitoring and analysis

As part of the contract, logos ensured continuous media monitoring, producing bi-weekly reports of media mentions and coverage throughout the EU-27 and the UK and a quarterly trend analysis report. logos’ expert command of media analytic tools and algorithms enabled us to provide DG DEFIS with consistent media clippings in all EU languages. At the same time, our media relations experts used media presence data to provide reports advising on the right set of media outreach techniques for better promotion of the numerous Copernicus applications.

Science communication

logos’ space team coordinated, produced content for and disseminated the Copernicus programme’s weekly newsletter – the Copernicus Observer. logos implemented a strict editorial calendar, guidelines and quality check, as well as constant coordination with the European Commission and the contributing entities to ensure the utmost quality and timely delivery of the newsletter. The team ensured the newsletter’s continued relevance by carrying out a survey with the readers which provided valuable insights into the readership base.

Measuring communication and user uptake Key Performance Indicators

With more than ten stakeholders directly involved in implementing the Copernicus programme via various communication and user uptake activities, managing the ecosystem requires consistent monitoring of KPIs. logos transformed an outdated and inefficient procedure, which was not providing any meaningful insights to the European Commission. We analysed the existing issues, and in collaboration with our consortium partners, proposed a new collection system based on:

    • a harmonised taxonomy and definition for each KPI;
    • an online collection tool, streamlining the collection of data;
    • concise reporting with actionable items.

After just over two years managing the Copernicus Support Office, MCI/logos increased awareness of the Copernicus programme, improved its positioning and streamlined reporting procedures.

Some key achievements include:

  • 40,000 new followers on the Copernicus Twitter channel; 14,000 new followers on the Copernicus Facebook page; 35,000 new followers on the Copernicus Instagram channel.
  • A combined total of 59 million impressions across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
  • 2,000 new subscribers to the Copernicus Observer newsletter and a 26 % average open rate.
  • An updated set of Key Performance Indicators and a related supporting guide were set up, a new online tool was configured, technical support was provided, and a new reporting template was created.

Industry consortium building and management; strategic communications and social media management; digital content creation; media relations and monitoring; science communications; community management

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